Friday, November 16, 2007


Little Bean peed in the potty 2x today!!!! She had a very successful afternoon after a very trying morning. She had 3 accidents with one ending up on the floor, since all we had left clean was her cotton (no plastic cover) training pants. I was actually glad for the teachable moment. Since she was sick for a few days, we took 2 steps backwards with potty training. However, not with pooping, she is still on top of that technique. I read in my handy dandy potty training book a technique for 21 month and older and modified for Little Bean. The technique in the book seemed kind of harsh for her. In brief, you leave the child in their wet clothing and stand at the accident spot and say "You're suppose to pee in the potty! You need more practice," take them to the potty and practice. Have the child pull down their pants and sit on the potty for a few seconds. Repeat 5-6 times. Ok, I cleaned Little Bean up and the spot with her help before I took her to the spot and said, "Your pee needs to go in the potty not on the floor" and I took her to the potty and had her sit there fully clothed and said, "This is where you are suppose to pee". We went back and forth about 3-4 times, Little Bean smiling and repeating some of the words I was saying. That was her last accident of the day. Conscience? Or maybe it is her new potty chair that plays music when she pees. I don't know, I am just happy that she peed on the potty today.


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Deanna said...

I have yet to attempt potty training with our son. Well, we've attempted, but to no avail. lol We have the potty chair that sings too. I can't wait till he makes it sing! :)

Good luck with your potty training!