Saturday, February 23, 2008

Little Bean on Politics

Like everywhere else in the US, Obama and Clinton were in town recently . My husband and #1 daughter decided they were going to try to see both candidates before the caucus. One being for Clinton and the other for Obama. Myself, undecided. I told my family, I will go with the popular family vote, at the caucus. Little Bean was the deciding vote.

So, I asked her directly, "Who are you going to vote for?" without missing a beat, she said, "Burrr-ock Bama!".

Needless to say, we were all in shock that she answered. No coaching, no prompting no nothing.
I did notice, with the heavy ad campaign, Little Bean was practicing quietly to herself, saying the candidates names each time they were mentioned. I was still surprised that she answered correctly.

Now, if we ask her who she is voting for, she says, "Burrr-ock Bama and Illery Clinton".

Not a bad idea.


Anonymous said...

Little HERO !! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm new around here... can you point me to a bio post so I can know how old Little Bean is?

JENN said...

Jennifer, I don't have it in my profile. She is 22 months, creeping up on 2 years.

Jennifer said...

22 months and already into politics! My husban would be over the moon if our daughter was so interested so young.

Sara said...

Wow. And to think that most adults don't vote in the primaries. I'm very impressed!