Sunday, April 27, 2008

Give me a food item..any food

Give me any food item, with the exception of fruit and vegetables, and my family will find research that says it is or it can be harmful to your body.


If you haven't guessed, my mother is visiting.

As the main cook in the house, I have 5 people to feed right now. No problem. Except, I have to consider everyones preferences.

Not to mention, 4 out of 5 eat a vegetarian diet and no eggs. 1 out of 5 is diabetic and has to have well balanced meals (and desires lots of sugar).

#1 Daughter is not a fan of tomatoes, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese food. Also, her body can't handle overly processed foods and should eat foods made from scratch. Figure this out when she was around 5 or 6.

My mother can't handle spicy food, regular milk and cucumbers. She doesn't like soy burgers, artichokes, soggy, baked French fries and radishes.

My husband is not a fan of too much garlic, bland, processed and sweet food. Has problems with uncooked spices and loves salty, spicy and sometimes fried food.

Little Bean doesn't like onions and tofu. She prefers lentils, beans, spicy food, most green vegetables and most fruit.

As for me, I can't handle too much corn, oil and potato chips. There are probably more, however, I do most of the cooking, so it doesn't really matter.

The Issue:

If someone ask, "What's for dinner" , I usually say, "I don't know". This is mostly an honest statement. If I know what I am making for dinner, a lot of times it turns into something else.

However, if I decide to answer the question honestly, someone has something to say about it.

"Pizza?!... you know how bad the cheese on pizza is...? "
hmm, you mean the same cheese you put on your tacos last night?
Later that week, I get an email about how bad pizza is for your health. Pizza I make from scratch, with a 1/4 of a cup of cheese (rather than 2 cups) and cover with vegetables

I have also received emails on Msg, soy, importance of protein, E.coli in spinach, E. coli is strawberries(I take back my previous statement about vegetables and fruit. No food is innocent, were my family is concerned), to name just a few.

You get the picture?


It is almost impossible to cook in this house! However....

I Am the Cook! I will take your preferences into consideration, scream in my head, and continue making what I planned to make.

If I listen to everyone, we would just have home made bread, water and a side of green beans every night for dinner.


Momma Val said...

I tagged you for a meme.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, steamy, greeny beanies. Nothing wrong with that!

I feel your pain. I get a lot of "YUCK! I'm not eating THAT!" in this house.

(And sometimes the 6-year-old complains too.)


Jennifer said...

I hate trying to think of what to make for dinner! I am trying to lose weight and eat healthy foods, hubby wants meat meat and more meat, and my son would gladly live on pickles if I let him!

Anonymous said...

Go on strike!

Anonymous said...

Jenn - You are correct! You are the cook. I work 60+ hours a week and spend at least another 40 hours on my blog. I cook dinner almost every night. My saying is "This isn't Burger King, you're going to have it my way". If someone doesn't like it, don't eat it! I am too tired to play short order cook! I play the "I don't know" card as well when asked "What's for dinner". I just don't want to hear the sighs or smart comments! (I have teenagers) Stick to your guns and cook what you want to cook!