Thursday, December 27, 2007

Little Beans Favorite Dish

I sometimes make this dish for Little Bean's lunch . It takes about 15 minutes to make and is very easy. It is actually a very simplified & modified stir fry (but no frying).

Veggies & Noodles

1/2 cup of dry noodles
1 carrot diced
1/4 cup of frozen peas
1/4 cup of frozen broccoli
1 tbs of soy sauce
1tbs of honey

Boil the noodles and vegetables together until soft; strain and cool; mix soy sauce and honey together and mix in with the vegetable and noodles.


595 Days said...

Hi Jenn,

I apologize in advance for the long comment...I would have emailed you but you don't have it posted.

Here it is over a month since you left a comment on my blog. Bad me for not responding sooner. One of the reasons for my not responding to your question is because I had no answer to "what transformations you had to make on the inside to reach your goals?" Another reason I hesitated to answer your question was because of I’ve been in such a slump. I’ve fallen back into some really bad habits and as a result I’m almost 20 pounds up from my Weight Watcher goal of 145, so I’m struggling to find that happier, more confident me that I was only just 2 years ago and because I've been struggling I really didn't think I had anything to offer.

But I decided to try to answer your question.

I think several things came into place for me: Weight Watcher meetings were at work - no excuse to miss the meetings, I had a great support system, 2 people in particular were my cheerleaders, and the work environment, it seemed as though everyone at work was rooting for me.

Here’s the strange thing about losing weight, depending on how much weight a person has to lose, the changes aren’t going to show up for at least 3 months of consistent dieting, I only lost 11 pounds the first 3 months, which of course didn’t’ show since I was still weighing over 200 pounds, and that was very discouraging, it felt like it was impossible. But one day, I was these two women that worked in a different department, but I would have to go ask for help occasionally), both had lost weight, one had lost 50, the other had lost 25 pounds, for the first time in my life I had a fleeting thought that I was no different than they were! I actually thought I might even be a better person (right or wrong). They weren’t the nicest people, as a matter of fact they seemed to be miserably unhappy people and though I was miserably unhappy, I've always been nice and tried to be helpful. It was after I realized I wasn’t any different than anyone else, that I started having consistent losses, 1 or 1.5 pound loss a week.

I really think it was the weight loss that created the inner changes. In the first few months I was pretty angry: “How did I allow myself to get to this point?” “Why did I have to weigh my food, or why did I have to give up_______?” My thoughts started changing as a result of the weight loss – and I’m pretty sure the inner transformation didn’t happen before I’d lost 30 pounds. The more weight I lost, the better I felt, I had more confidence, I was happier, I had more hope.

Unfortunately, I’ve lost that confidence in the last couple years and now it’s starting to show. I do know that it’s possible to lose weight, I did it and I did keep it off for the first 3 years. I highly recommend it. It was the best thing I could have done for myself and I wish I had done it when my son was little.

I hope I answered your question.
Your header looks like it’s somewhere in Connecticut.

I like your writing. I especially enjoyed the “burp” post and the pondering post “why does my teen laugh when I sing...” too cute!

Send me an email if you want to respond:

JENN said...

Okay, my husband forwarded an article on msg. I guess I won't be feeding Little Bean this dish anymore.